Scotiacon is always very excited to see how creative everyone gets with their Costumes, Props and Cosplays each and every year and how excited you all get for the themes, however certain rules must be followed to allow everyone to have as much fun as they can in a safe and controlled environment.
Prop weapons may be allowed under the following conditions:
The authority for all weapon-related questions lies with the Head of Security and event management. Please direct any queries about this guidance to [email protected] and a member of the Security Team will get back to you at the earliest opportunity.
Carrying of props/weapons is a privilege afforded by the convention and is not an absolute right. The Scotiacon security team reserves the right to revoke permission to carry an item if the item or actions of the user are deemed to be placing people, including the user, at unnecessary risk. All prop weapons must be examined and logged with the Security Team at convention, who will decide authorisation based on the guidelines given within this policy, and their own professional assessment. Items will be logged onto the Scotiacon Prop Database alongside any restriction instructions which will be clearly explained to the owner at the time.
All items not covered by this policy can only be allowed in exceptional cases. Please contact the Welfare Team for further advice.
All accepted prop weapons will be marked and documented after passing relevant checks. This will typically be done through use of a coloured cable-tie, any restrictions will be explained to you at the time.
An accepted weapon may be required to be peace-bound (I.e. a nerf gun prevented from firing, or prop sword secured within it’s sheath. Tampering with the peace-binding or other tag will invalidate the clearance for the weapon immediately.
The Security team, and Head of Security reserve the right to deny or revoke acceptance or to require a weapon to be peace-bound at any point and for any reason.
Any decision about accepting or denying a weapon can be overridden by the Head of Security, Head of Welfare or Event Directors.
Tools do not require marking tags, but are required to be checked and added to the database. The owner's name and badge number will be logged. Authorisation for tools is for their intended purpose only, not for carrying around as props or toys, generally reserved for Convention Staff and Volunteers with legitimate requirements (I.e. Tech/AV Crew, Logistics Crew, etc).
“Bladed” weapons shorter than 40cm (15.7inches) total length (including handles) are considered short items.
Bladed” weapons with a length that exceeds 40cm (15.7inches) total length (Including handles) are considered long items.
Projectile Weapons must not be loaded indoors. Discharge of any projectile weapons indoors, and not within an authorised event (if provided) invalidates clearance immediately. NERF-Guns (or similar) may be required to have their magazine removed whilst indoors.
Please note, if ammunition is not provided by the owner at the time of inspection, the weapon will be required to be peacebound such that it is unable to be fired.
Not-live firearm replicas made of plastic (if the muzzle is closed with a bright-coloured cap and the item does not appear life-like to a casual observer)
These weapons are not acceptable, even as part of a costume.
Please be aware that if these items are seen at the convention, the police may be called and your attendance/membership immediately and permanently revoked.
Unless exempted, all items that are checked by the Security Team will be tagged by means of a coloured cable tie. Where possible this will be fitted in a discreet position where it can be checked on request but won’t interfere with photo opportunities.
Items are tagged into three categories:
Items marked as “RESTRICTED” may be subject to peace-binding. In practice this may mean for example that a Replica Sword is locked into its sheath, a NERF-Gun is prevented from firing or a toy firearm is locked into a holster.
The above lists are not exhaustive and are subject to change based on requirements, venue request or changes to national legislation