Registration: Open Until January 4th
Hotel Rooms Sold Out
Den Applications: Open
Waiting List for Tables Only
Event Submissions: Open

Contact Us

Got a question? Want to send us some feedback? Need to make us aware of something? There are a few different ways to reach us.

If you’ve got a question, first of all we’d recommend trying our magical FAQ, NESSIE. Just type in a keyword or two and NESSIE will show you the questions it can answer which best match the keywords. You can find it here.

You can also find us on the following social platforms:

If you need to reach out to us directly, you can use our support ticket system at where you can raise a ticket to ask a question or send us any feedback and track that ticket as it is reviewed and actioned by our team.

We also have a number of email addresses for our various teams. If you’d like to use one of these, please head to NESSIE and search for the keyword “scotiamail” to find a list of the email addresses for the various departments that you can contact, as well as a general contact email if none of them seem to be appropriate.

No matter how you reach out and connect with us, we will endeavour to get back to you as quickly as possible with any answers you need, or action your feedback appropriately.